Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thought of the day...

This past Sunday, Jason Cullum preached about the Good Samaritan from the Gospel of Luke. It's the story of having to love everyone just as you love your own self. And the parable goes on to describe how we have to love even the most undesirable person as much as we do our own selves.

What stuck with me the most was near the end of the sermon who Jason said, "Sometimes we play the part of robber...sometimes the priest". (You can hear all of our sermon series online here.)

Sure I've never beaten a man up and left him for dead like the robber did. But have I ever treated someone ugly or verbally hurt them and just walked away to leave them to deal with it on their own? I may not have taken money but I took peace from them.

Have I ever acted like the priest in the story and not slowed down to help someone in need. Oh, yea. Sadly enough, it's something I do and see daily.

How awesome it is to see a story that many of us have heard over and over yet it still applies to me as much today as it did the first time I heard it probably 30 years ago.

Lord, please help me be more like the Samaritan and not like the Priest or the robber. I know that I can not do it with out you. Please help show me the things I allow to eat up my time for others like the Priest. Please help me recognize the times I hurt someone or rob someone of peace in their lives. Help me be strong enough to swallow my pride and admit when I am wrong and do what I must to make it better. Thank you Lord. Amen.

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