Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Camikins

This little girl right here is the female version of her daddy. How funny it is that we actually named her Cameron when she was born. We weren't sure we were gonna have other kids so we decided this was the one. hmmm. (Actually, that isn't suppose to be a hmmm in the enquizzical or thought provoking sense but more of a low a hum done with a big smile on your face..........See? Did you try it? I just couldn't figure out how to spell it. ) She is the sweetest little girl and has one of the most loving hearts I have ever seen in a person. Ok, not that she got THAT part from me, but lots of other things she did!

Anyway, this picture is from field trip her mom and I went on with her to the Alligator Farm or Zoo. I can't remember. I just know this is one of my favorite photos of my little Cami. (loving sighhh). Better? If any of you know how to spell what it is I am trying to relay, please let me know!

1 comment:

eternal crown photography - Kellea LeSage said...

the term/spelling you're looking for is "ahem" =)